Eldritch Instinct is an adventure game for one facilitator (the Warden) and at least one other player. Players act as curious investigators of the strange and unexplained. They will take on delusional cultists, hide from stalking shadows and face terrifying monstrosities.
Brace yourself for a blend of dreadful cosmic horror and adrenaline pumping action, where the players rather than their characters do the investigating. Uncover mysteries and acquire forbidden knowledge in a quest to foil the sinister Mythos agenda. Some mechanics take full effect in longer campaigns, but serve one-shots just as well.
Download the PDF with from here. Print the PDF using the ‘booklet’ setting and staple-bind the pages to craft your own A5 sized booklet as shown in this video.
The Eldritch Instinct SRD is written by Linus Weber and licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 and is is derived from Yochai Gal’s Cairn SRD (cairnrpg.com).
This is a game that values community contributions! I’m very interested to hear what you think of the rules and how your games went. Please join the Discord Server to discuss and become a part of the community!